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Kylemore Nursery School, Coleraine

Eco Schools


Eco-Schools is an international programme operating in 45 countries to a high environmental standard. Northern Ireland has nearly 600 registered Eco-Schools representing nearly half of all schools. In Northern Ireland, the Eco-Schools Programme is operated by TIDY Northern Ireland, an environmental charity. Community

We talk to the children about looking after our environment by recycling, reusing, planting, composting and by saving water and energy. We involve our parents in Gardening, environmental projects and recycling events.  

We achieved our Bronze award in April 2008 followed by the Silver award in April 2009.

We were awarded the Eco-Schools Green flag on 27th May 2011 - the first Nursery School in Coleraine to have achieved a Green Flag. Our second Green Flag award was received in 2015, our third flag in April 2017.  Flag number 4 has now been awarded 2019!

Our school is a committed community of children, staff, parents and governors currently prioritising our knowledge, skills and attitudes in four areas;

  • energy
  • healthy living
  • waste - recycling
  • school grounds - our environment