We hope you enjoy browsing through our website as we aim to give you a flavour of our school. Starting nursery school is an exciting step for your child and working in partnership with you, the parent, we aim to provide high quality teaching and learning in a nurturing and enabling learning environment.
Here at Kylemore Nursery School, each child is special and valued and will be supported on their own special learning journey. Through the medium of ‘playful learning,’ our team of experienced and enthusiastic staff will nurture and encourage your child to progress and develop in a holistic way and to the best of their learning potential. We hope that children will grow in confidence and self-worth, showing care for each other and developing a long-lasting love of learning.
Learning in Kylemore Nursery School
We know that children learn best by exploring and investigating, following their own interests and having their understanding extended by engaged, enthusiastic adults who know them well.
Our learning is enhanced by visitors coming to the school, such as Jump Jiggle and Jive, The Banyan Theatre, Mr Hullaballo and Fit Minds.
We are an accredited Forest School and children have regular session in our onsite forest area.
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Kylemore Nursery School, Kylemore Road, Coleraine, BT51 3HG | Telephone: 028 7034 4893